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Microsoft Access 365: Access VBA & Automating Outlook Email
Section 1: Overview and Email Setup
Introduction (4:58)
Section 2: A One Line VBA Command to Email a Report
Create the New Do Invoice Subroutine (11:00)
Create an Email Button and Subroutine (9:28)
Test the One Line Email Command (5:53)
Section 3: Replace the Orders by Date Macro from the Previous Course
Inspect the Macro and PrepXL Program from the Previous Course (9:00)
Create the PrepData Function and Test Entry of Dates (9:59)
Convert the First Two Queries to VBA (6:54)
Convert the Rest of the Queries and Test PrepData (15:49)
Fix an Error on the Last Query and Retest PrepData (8:15)
Add a Progress Bar and Turn On the Hourglass (8:05)
Two Ways to Get the Email from the Customer Table (9:10)
Section 4: Setup of Outlook Email Automation
Create the DoEmail VBA Function, Setup Variables and Add an Error Trap (8:38)
Get Email Subject and Body and Finish the DoEmail Function (8:45)
Create the Call to the DoEmail Program and Test (9:04)
Correct a Few Errors (3:30)
Figure Out Why the Dates are Wrong on the Excel File (9:44)
Section 5: Using a Simple Emailer Database
Initial Inspection of the Finished Database (8:15)
Look at the VBA Code Behind Some of the Buttons (11:43)
Look at Code Behind Select Emails by Code and Send Email Buttons (10:47)
Using Word to Add Rich Text to the Email Body (7:19)
Introduction to Early and Late Binding (12:30)
A Second Example of Late Binding (2:42)
Fix an Error on the Last Query and Retest PrepData
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